What is the Factorial of 170?

In this article we'll show you how to calculate the factorial of 170 with a really quick, step-by-step explanation of how it's calculated.

Did you know? The number 170 is the highest number we can calculate with basic PHP? Any higher than 170, and we would need a much more powerful, 64 bit, computer.

First off, what exactly is a factorial? The factorial is the result of multiplying all whole numbers in a chosen number (in this case 170) all the way down to 1.

You will generally see factorials expressed with an exclamation mark after the number, like so:


So let's take 170 and calculate the factorial by multiplying each whole number:

170 x 169 x 168 x 167 x 166 x ... = 7.257415615308E+306

In this case, the number of whole numbers in 170 is more than five. You can see how this can quickly get out of hand with larger numbers.

Factorials are used in math quite a lot when calculating the number of possible combinations or permeatations of something. If you think about shuffling a deck of 52 cards, you can use factorials to calculate how many possible orders there are.

When describing a factorial you would usually say 170! like "170 factorial", "170 shriek", or "170 bang". Personally, I prefer shriek!

Hopefully this article has helped you in your quest to calculate the factorial of 170. Feel free to share with your friends, family, teachers, and anybody who might be interested in factorials of numbers (which is surely everyone!).

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  • "What is the Factorial of 170?". VisualFractions.com. Accessed on May 9, 2024. http://visualfractions.com/calculator/factorial/what-is-the-factorial-of-170/.

  • "What is the Factorial of 170?". VisualFractions.com, http://visualfractions.com/calculator/factorial/what-is-the-factorial-of-170/. Accessed 9 May, 2024.

  • What is the Factorial of 170?. VisualFractions.com. Retrieved from http://visualfractions.com/calculator/factorial/what-is-the-factorial-of-170/.

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